When the Crowd Stops Roaring

The book "When the Crowd Stops Roaring" is my biography. The book covers the contribution my Grandfather J B MacEwan made in establishing the dairy industry in New Zealand. J B MacEwan and Company Ltd produced milking machines, water pumps and agriculture machinery. It also includes to story of my father, Ian Arthur, who travelled the world to find an answer to his alcoholism. In desperation he finally committed himself to a mental institution in Nelson. There he read about Alcoholics Anonymous in a copy of the Readers Digest. Dad corresponded with the organisation's Head Office in New York found sobriety and established AA in New Zealand.

My story is a story of "hope". The one thing I hated I became-an alcoholic. I reached the ultimate goal for most New Zealand men, I became an All Black playing 55 times for New Zealand 20 of them Test matches. I represented Wellington from 1954 -67 playing 133 times.

God found me in the gutter facing the possibility of seven years in jail, but God had other plans and the story of hope from hopelessness and despair is encouraging and challenging.

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